Monday, November 17, 2008


He gossips habitually; he lacks the common wisdom to keep still that deadly enemy of man, his own tongue ~ Mark Twain

Here at IA one thing we talk a lot about with the kids is the importance of going to the source of their issues. We call it avoiding x, y, z talk (when x has something to say to z but tells it to y instead). It's amazing how much gossip can take a situation to one of a simple issue to one of pandemonium.

In the last week we've had a lot of breakthroughs with students. Generally, with a breakthrough a breakdown will occur before hand. Last week one of our students had a breakdown in which he acted inappropriately and threw a chair and knocked over a table. After this situation there were a number of people upset and rightfully so. What wasn't seen was that Christine and I handled this situation with a lot of care and guidance. On Friday, this same student had a huge breakthrough with his teacher about knowing that people truly care about him here. We have seen a complete turn around and could not be happier about it.

One thing I have seen through this situation is a lot of x, y, z talk. There has been chatter about Innovations not having discipline, and that is just not true. Our way of working with students, even through problems, doesn't look the same as other schools, and that's purposeful because we are not just another school. Unfortunately when this talk flies it's very hard to give clarity and peace to a situation. Hopefully we will be able to give this clarity and peace at a meeting that is currently being scheduled for families (stay tuned!).

I would strongly urge that if any members of the IA community have an issue or concern that they come straight to the source so that we can create breakthroughs together. I know that from speaking with families I have gained much insight into what is working for them and what is not. Through that dialog and feedback we can make IA stronger every day.



April said...

I have been trying to make sure to read my kids teachers blog and forgot that you had one for the school also. Thank you this will make it much easier. For things such as crazy hair day my kid only come Mon and Fri so sometimes I am not sure about such announcements this will clear this up for me.
I was wondering if there was a list of teachers emails so I don't have to leave a message on a public blog.
thank you

Innovations Academy said...

Hi April,

All teachers can be reached at their first name @

