Friday, February 20, 2009


On Monday, Jeremy and Lisa's Afternoon Project Classes are going to Scripps Aquarium. Please bring a bag lunch.

Remember, the Kinder class is doing a recycling drive on Friday. Bring your bottles and cans.

Kim's class is still collecting books for their school store, they have quite the library started!

On Monday, March 2nd at 7pm, we have another Parent Meeting Scheduled where students will be showing off their skills from the partnership programs. Come along to see what they're up to on Fridays!

On Tuesday, March 3rd, Marcelline Brogli will be giving a Parent Introduction to Compassionate Communication from 6:30 - 8pm in the fireside room.

The admin staff is looking for parent volunteers to help with organization. Please contact Michelle at 619-269-1558 to get involved.



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We need your garbage!

Kindergarten needs your garbage!! We will be attending a field trip to Legoland on Thursday, March 26th. To cover the cost of a portion of the trip we will be hosting a recycling drive. We want your glass bottles, water bottles, and aluminum cans!!

The following are collection days:
  • Thursday, February 12
  • Friday, February 20
  • Friday, February 27
  • Friday, March 6
  • Friday, March 13
  • Friday, March 20
Please bring your recycling (our treasure) to the Kindergarten room on the above mornings/afternoons and we will do the rest. We will keep you update on our progress!! Drink up!!

Teen Girl Workshop


We've been blogged about, at least Jeremy's class. Looks like they had a great time!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Golf for Kids

A parent brought this to my attention and I thought to pass it on:

ProKids Golf - It is off University and 52nd street, the great thing is that they offer FREE golf lessons for kids, as well as a learning center! There are no strings attached and I was very impressed by what they are doing for and with kids to help them be successful in life. They focus on much more than golf, but use that as a hook to help kids get motivated in other areas of life. Their website is: and it is worth checking out. There are many families who may enjoy these resources. Their phone number is 583-6106 or 582-7884.

Happy Golfing!
