Friday, October 30, 2009

Songs to inspire

This song, particularly the lyrics below, make me think of our kids. Enjoy!

Upside Down by Jack Johnson

Who's to say
What's impossible
Well they forgot
This world keeps spinning
And with each new day
I can feel a change in everything
And as the surface breaks reflections fade
But in some ways they remain the same
And as my mind begins to spread its wings
There's no stopping curiosity

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our Mission...not just for the kids.

Though there are many other things I could be focusing on right now, I was dropped a ray of sunshine by a couple of our parents today.

I've always told people that our mission, "to powerfully create our lives," is not just for the kids. It's about everyone here, the kids, the moms, the dads, the teachers, ourselves, everyone. I've had some parents taken aback by that, "Oh, I never thought of it that way," they say.

One of our moms wrote to me today to say that she is thrilled that her son has gone from being the type of kid who would never ever talk about school, to the young man who now talks about going to college. He's having breakthroughs right and left this year. I can clearly see him fulfilling on our mission, he's powerfully creating his life...a new one envisioned for him.

Another mom, a prolific blogger, wrote, "While the journey is about my son, and I definitely don't lose sight of that, it is also about a very confused woman who is still finding her way, one delicate step at a time. In the nurturing environment I find at Innovations Academy, I have been given the gift of friendship, acceptance, respect and love. There is no price tag, no expectation, other than to show up and join in. What a miraculous place to be." She too is powerfully creating this year.

It's amazing to watch these changes before my eyes. Continue to shine on, our IA community, shine on.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Updates for Innovations

Hello Everyone!

I'm sorry it's been so long since this has been updated. There has been a lot going on with the beginning of the school year.

For all of you blog lovers out there, I introduce to you:

This is a blog maintained by one of our lovely parents who is on a mission to keep everyone in the loop. Please see her blog for updates as well as some interesting tidbits.

One great purpose for this blog can be to answer parent questions. If you have questions that you think other IAers would be interested in, please email me!

