Sunday, May 15, 2011


Good Evening, Innovations Families!

1. Book Fair: ‘Carnival Book Fair’ on Monday, May 23rd to Thursday, May 26th from 8am until 2pm. We need volunteers to work the book fair. Contact Donna if interested or sign up at the downstairs common room. There is a website to help you with information and to help you follow the event. Go to:

2. We are looking for a replacement basketball hoop or some other substitute(such as a badminton net and equipment?). If you have one that you would like to donate, contact Alex who manages the play space for Innovations.

3. The Innovations Academy Board Meeting is tomorrow, Monday at 6:30 p.m.

4. Website: Innovations is looking for a professional web designer or web design company to do a makeover of the website. If you are that person or have a referral, please contact

5. The Coffee Connection, will be held as usual, this Wednesday at 9:00. Next week, during our half day week, the Coffee Connection will take place on Monday instead from 9:30-10:30. Please come by to see me.

And last but not least, here is a suggestion of something to do for the week. Have your child pick a new recipe from a recipe book you have around or from any recipe website. Have a meal that you cook together. It can be interesting to improvise as well. Math is a huge part of cooking!

Have a great week.

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