Monday, March 21, 2011


Hello, Innovations Community! I hope you had a beautiful weekend.

1. Enrichment Classes:
Fencing: First session of fencing is ending but another will begin. Mondays 3:30-4:30, Students in grades 3 and up who would like to join are welcome. Cost $120 for 10 classes from March 28-June 13.
Spanish: After school classes are starting a new session. If interested, see the flier at the front desk. Cost $125 for 8 one hour classes. Tuesdays for K-2 and Thursdays for 3-8.

2. There are two excellent web based resources that Innovations Academy will be using to improve the quality of our program. Both require the use of a FREE gmail account by the student. This message serves as a notice that I have given direction to our teachers to establish gmail accounts with the students in grades 3-8. We will manage these accounts carefully and have access to them for safety. Students will be using the gmail accounts only to access google documents for written work and the Khan Academy for Math/Science skills development. This is a requirement. If you have problems with this, please contact Christine Kuglen

3. Patty from Canela Photography will be here on Thursday, March 24th to photograph new/absent students. Pictures will be available for review/purchase at the Canela website and Patty will provide the login information after the pictures are uploaded.

4. 7th and 8th graders remember to bring lunch and be warm for your Tuesday fieldtrip to see the Hovercraft. The group is leaving at 9:30 sharp, so please be on time and drivers arrive at 9:00.

5. And finally…some ideas about how you can help your child as they continue on their journey as a life long learner: Help them set one goal at the beginning of the week to be met by Friday. It can be the goal of doing something new: learning something new, saying hi to one new person, finding a new book to read, asking a question aloud or it can be a goal of not doing something; refraining from complaining, hanging up their jacket every day…. Let them choose the goal and follow through on Friday.

Another idea is to find something to do in the car. Those minutes add up and can be fun and productive. How about looking for names of states on license plates? Listening to an audiobook? Learning the lyrics to a song? Finding the alphabet in order on the signs along the road? Most important is to have fun with it.

And for yourself. Look up the movie Race To Nowhere on the internet. You might want to see it.
Enjoy your week! Spring break is coming…

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hello, Innovations Community! I hope you had a beautiful weekend.

1. Spanish After school classes are starting a new session:
Spanish Kids Beginning A (K-2) Tuesdays 3:15-4:15pm
March 22,29 April 12,19,28 May 3,10,17
$124.80 (minimum 5 students)
Spanish Kids Beginning A (3-8) Thursdays 3:45-4:45
March 22,29 April 12,19,28 May 3,10,17
$124.80 (minimum 5 students)

2. Panda Express will be offered for lunch next Friday instead of Pizza The cost will be approximately $4.50.
3. 4th, 5th and HLC students need to be at school early this Thursday to attend Biztown. Those classes will be leaving campus at 8:45 a.m.
4. Negotiations for a new facility resume this week. I will keep you posted.
5. Our new Explorations classes will be starting next Monday. We will spend this week addressing the concept of treating our guest teachers as we do guests in our home. Please support this conversation by helping your child understand that when they are with guest teachers they are representing themselves and our school.
Thank you for listening and have a great week.