Thursday, January 29, 2009

Spend the Summer with High Tech High!

New in summer 2009 - The Summer Academies at High Tech High

In summer 2009, the High Tech High charter schools in Point Loma will introduce three separate summer day programs at the elementary, middle and high school levels, open to families throughout San Diego County.

One-week sessions for elementary school students and two-week sessions at the middle and high school levels, offer project-based learning activities in the mornings complemented by exploratory electives in the afternoon. The middle and high school programs are modeled after many of High Tech High's most successful and popular team projects in subjects as varied as robotics, art, online game design, film making, theater, animation, engineering and creative writing. The afternoon program also includes an eclectic mix of options that include photography, painting, fitness courses, music and SAT prep.

Three two-week sessions will run between the dates of June 29 – August 7, and discounted fees are available for active military families, early enrollment, students enrolled in multiple sessions and families enrolling more than one child. Weekly fees start at $290.00, and financial aid is available for qualified families.

Detailed information and online enrollment is available online at or requests for printed information can be addressed to

THE VILLAGE ACADEMY - For students entering grades 1-6

Session I June 29 - July 3

Session II July 6 - 10

Session III July 13 - 17

Session IV July 20 - 24

Session V July 27 - 31

HIGH TECH MIDDLE & HIGH TECH HIGH SUMMER ACADEMIES - For students entering grades 6-12

Session I June 29 - July 10

Session II July 13 - 24

Session III July 27 - August 7

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Report Cards!

Hello Eager Parents!

Report cards are coming soon. We hope that you will like them. Christine put in a lot of time and effort to ensure that parents' needs would be met through them. Tina then put them into a very nice format that is easy to read.

Our initial hope was that they would come out the last week in January. That said, we didn't finalize them until yesterday and we want to make sure that teachers have time to put in thoughtful feedback and comments, so we've extended the date to February 2nd.

Report Cards will be available for pick up by parents/guardians the week of February 2nd in our main office (with Donna, the new Administrative Coordinator). Those reports not picked up by the end of the week will be mailed home.

Here is some additional important information:

IA Phone Home - On Sundays, Innovations Academy will be sending phone messages with any important information for the week. We will be setting these calls between 6:30 - 7pm so that you can be ready with your calendar to write down any important dates or notes. We look forward to touching base with you weekly!

Friday Next Year Committee - On Fridays from 11:30am - 12:30pm IA staff meet to talk about ideas and plans for next year. All parents are invited to attend and we'd love to have your support. This is a great way to stay in the loop of future progress and planning. Some items that we are discussing right now are scheduling, facilities, school calendar, and Friday Partnerships. If you can't attend these meetings but would like to give input, please email us!

Facilities - To best serve our student population IA does have the option to stay at the Kroc Center next year and has the option to find something locally that will work even better for our program. We are currently looking at new sites in the area so that we know what is out there. If anyone has any ideas or recommendations please let us know.

Parent Meeting - Stay Tuned for our next Parent Meeting! The topic will be Direct Instruction. We have one meeting scheduled in the MPR on February 9th. Another meeting will be scheduled shortly for later in February. Parent participation is crucial to student success! Mark your calendar!

Thank you all for your support!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

IA Reminders!

Thank you to all who came and contributed at the Potluck! It was a great time. You all are great with food!

Below are some reminders and information:

All School Meeting:

It was great to have an all school meeting last week. One thing the kids discovered was how much of a difference making eye contact and fully interacting (such as saying a greeting) with each other is to social interaction. In the mornings and afternoons I'm encouraging the kids to make eye contact and say a greeting when coming and going from school. Please continue this practice at home to build on citizenship!

Kroc Mural Skateboard Art Contest

The Kroc Center is inviting children, ages 5-19, to create a drawing depicting why skateboarding is so awesome. A mural will be installed at the Skatepark and your child's design could be featured. Please see the education desk at the Kroc for more details!

Also, next week:

Holiday on Monday for MLK Day. We'll see you on Tuesday, January 20th.

Classics4Kids 'Picture-Perfect' Concert
Thursday, January 22nd – 11:30am, Kroc Theater, $6/seat (including adults)

A picture can tell a thousand words, but did you know that a picture can also tell a thousand musical notes? The classics philharmonic is joined by members of San Diego Pantomime Theatre to perform an original portrayal of the story and pictures of Modest Mussorgsky's famous "Pictures at an Exhibition". Focusing on visual arts and music, this concert is sure to stir your students' imaginations.

More info:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Less homework revolution

At IA we have a no homework policy. We're heard great responses from the parents about the extra family time they get at home.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Divas Direct for Teen Girls

Divas Direct is a program coordinated by the San Diego Women Film Foundation. It is an opportunity for teen girls to create films. The sessions are so inexpensive because the program is funded by a grant program.

Divas Direct

Tuesdays from 5-7 pm
Starting Tuesday, January 13 (8 week session)
$5 session fee
Room B219 in the Education Building.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Innovations 2009

Hello Innovations Families!

Welcome to 2009 at Innovations Academy. I hope everyone had a great break.

I'd like to start off this blogging year with a note about punctuality as I noticed many students arriving late to school today. William Shakespeare said, "Better to be three hours too soon than one minute too late."

When students arrive on time (or early) to school it sets the pace for the day. When arriving late it disrupts the flow of the class as well as the ease in which students enter campus.

Starting on Monday, students arriving after 8:15am will need to sign in at the front office with a parent. This will ensure that we have their attendance. We feel that it is important for both parties to be present so that they can create a commitment to being punctual in the future.

Other IA Notes and Dates:

Ice skating will take place on the last Wednesday of every month

The All School Meeting will take place on the second Wednesday of every month from 12:15 - 12:45pm.

Report Cards will be available for pick up on January 28th - January 30th. All report cards not picked up by a parent/guardian will be mailed home.

January 19th, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, no school.

About Direct Instruction (DI) - Starting today, students are having more time for Direct Instruction in the mornings. We have adjusted our Social Emotional time so that we do some in the morning and some in the afternoon so that we can get in more morning minutes for DI.

Welcome Back Potluck! - Tuesday, January 13th from 5:30 - 8pm in the MPR - Bring your favorite dish to share!