New in summer 2009 - The Summer Academies at High Tech High
In summer 2009, the High Tech High charter schools in Point Loma will introduce three separate summer day programs at the elementary, middle and high school levels, open to families throughout San Diego County.
One-week sessions for elementary school students and two-week sessions at the middle and high school levels, offer project-based learning activities in the mornings complemented by exploratory electives in the afternoon. The middle and high school programs are modeled after many of High Tech High's most successful and popular team projects in subjects as varied as robotics, art, online game design, film making, theater, animation, engineering and creative writing. The afternoon program also includes an eclectic mix of options that include photography, painting, fitness courses, music and SAT prep.
Three two-week sessions will run between the dates of June 29 – August 7, and discounted fees are available for active military families, early enrollment, students enrolled in multiple sessions and families enrolling more than one child. Weekly fees start at $290.00, and financial aid is available for qualified families.
Detailed information and online enrollment is available online at or requests for printed information can be addressed to
THE VILLAGE ACADEMY - For students entering grades 1-6
Session I June 29 - July 3
Session II July 6 - 10
Session III July 13 - 17
Session IV July 20 - 24
Session V July 27 - 31
HIGH TECH MIDDLE & HIGH TECH HIGH SUMMER ACADEMIES - For students entering grades 6-12
Session I June 29 - July 10
Session II July 13 - 24
Session III July 27 - August 7