Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Helix High School Lock Down

As a safety procedure today, Innovations Academy was ready to perform a lock down had the authorities warranted it. Our staff was immediately notified of the possibility (since we are not far from Helix High) and informed students of the procedure. Our site did not go on lock down and the lock down at Helix was lifted at 1pm.


Today I have a gratitude for being in a safe environment with a wonderfully responsive community.


All School Bake Sale & Holiday Sing-A-Long

All School Bake Sale & Holiday Sing-A-Long

Wednesday, December 17th
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
In the Multi-Purpose Room

Parents, please donate a baked good, and purchase one to take home.
All funds raised will benefit IA activities.

The singing will be led by Star, Virginia, Bill, and your children!

We invite you to sing along!

Thank you for your support!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tis the Season!

Hey Everyone,

This has been a busy couple of weeks for IA! With the Thanksgiving break and Winter Break coming ahead there is a lot of energy and excitement around these parts.

Last week we had our first Parent Meeting and it was fabulous. I really enjoyed seeing all of your faces and being able to connect as one community. We went over some school policy as well as had an introduction to Compassionate Communication. As far as turn out, we had about 50% of our parent community in attendance. This is a good start and I know we can do even better in the future.

If you'd like to find out more about Compassionate Communication (CC) Practice Groups in the San Diego area please see: http://www.sdnvc.org/pages/events.html

IA News Below:

Don't want to wrap Christmas gifts yourself? Let IA students do it!

Students from the older grades here at IA have volunteered to help you wrap your Christmas gifts during their lunch break next week, 11am-12noon Dec 15-19! Donations will help support their spring field trip plans!

This Wednesday - School Presentation Show - Many classes will be presenting some of their projects and talents at this morning meeting starting at 8:30am. Parents are highly encouraged to attend!

Iceskating Wednesday - We've had a lovely time iceskating at IA and will be doing it again this Wednesday to close off the holiday season.

Wednesday Bake Sale from 12:30 - 1:30pm

Friday - Last day of school before break

Kim and Lisa's wax museum has been postponed until January.

No school on Monday the 5th!

January 6th - Welcome back!

Kindergarten Service Learning Requests Your Support

IA we need your help! Kindergarten is completing their service learning project with a toiletry drive for an orphanage in TJ. Please ask your students to bring any donations by the end of next week. We will have a donation box on Wednesday, December 17th during the bake sale, but will take donations until Friday, December 19th.

In order to complete our service learning project we would like to have a toiletry drive for the orphanage in Tijuana. We will, also, be sending the stools that we have painted. We would like to collect the following to donate:

laundry detergent
toilet paper
dish soap
paper towels

New Socks & New Underwear (children ages 2 & up)

The website is www.tjkids.org if you would like to take a look.

Thank you!

The Kindergarten Classes

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Digital Age

Some thoughts from Kim, our 3/4/5 combo teacher:

Marc Prensky's book "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants" made me think about how the children of today learn differently than we did. This has important implications about education, which we are only beginning to understand. I thought you might find this excerpt interesting.
"Do our children learn differently from us? Are they "digital natives"?

It is amazing to me how in all the hoopla and debate these days about the decline of education in the US, we ignore the most fundamental of its causes. Our students have changed radically. Today's students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach....

Today's students - K through college - represent the first generations to grow up with this new [digital technology] technology. They have spent their entire lives surrounded by and using computers, videogames, digital music players, video cams, cell phones, and all the other toys and tools of the digital age... Computer games, email, the Internet, cell phones and instant messaging are integral parts of their lives.

It is now clear that as a result of this ubiquitous environment and the sheer volume of their interaction with it, today's students think and process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors. These differences go far further and deeper than most educators suspect or realize.*"
Most parents aspire to have their children enjoy reading and sports and find that somehow, modern electronics (television, game machines, computers, etc.) competes with these activities. It is a challenge for parents to manage the modern media's impact on our children and families. But as parents, you can manage your environment. Of course, tools and services to help are useful. Some tips:

1. Email. Have your children write emails to their cousins and grandparents. Of course, you should closely supervise their online activities including having the youngest ones use your email account.

2. Blogs. While children have traditionally loved keeping journals, it seems that many get particularly excited by seeing their own writing on the internet. Since starting a blog takes minutes and it's easy to keep safe and anonymous, it provides a simple motivating way to "publish" your children's writing.

3. Websites. There are great learning games available online. Three sites that we recommend: LearningGamesForKids, SpellingCity, and Vocabulary is Fun.

4. Online interactive curriculum. Time4Learning's online automated curriculum teaches from PreSchool to 8th Grade. Give it a try. Time4Writing has recently been created to provide eight week online writing courses with individual feedback.

Thanks for reading,
John Edelson
It's Time4Learning. And Fun.

Copyright 2008 Time4Learning All rights reserved

*Excerpted from: "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants" By Marc Prensky.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Social Emotional Success

Compassionate Communication Success at IA!

From a mother of at first grader at IA:

I have to share with you something that impressed me tonight. My son got in trouble for shouting at his Dad, they went back and forth a little, and he was sent to his room. He came out a few moments later, and asked his Dad if he could talk to him. Little did Dad know that he was about to learn a lesson from his 6 yr.old. My son asked his Dad to please speak to him in giraffe talk. He then proceeded with the conversation, making sure to stop Dad and correct him when he wasn't doing it right. (It was so cute!) In the end they were both speaking Giraffe, both agreed to treat each other with honor and respect. It was awesome! I am so pleased that my children are learning to communicate in such a peaceful way! I see a difference in the way my daughter is communicating also. Several weeks ago she shocked me with a very mature reaction to something that I was upset about. It is amazing to me, what they have learned in only a few months....can't wait to see what else they bring home to teach Mom and Dad!


From a mother of a middle school student:

I just wanted to let you know that my son is not only enjoying school for the first time in many years, but I am also seeing such personal growth and evolving maturity. I'm not sure what all you're doing with the social emotional curriculum but he is definitely integrating the lessons and putting them into action at home. I only wish I could do as well!

Thanks for all you do.


Reminder: Mandatory Parent Meetings are on December 1st (in the Community Room in the Admin building, far East) and 4th (in the Multi Purpose Room in the Ed Building) from 7pm - 8pm (please attend one, not both).

Monday, November 17, 2008


He gossips habitually; he lacks the common wisdom to keep still that deadly enemy of man, his own tongue ~ Mark Twain

Here at IA one thing we talk a lot about with the kids is the importance of going to the source of their issues. We call it avoiding x, y, z talk (when x has something to say to z but tells it to y instead). It's amazing how much gossip can take a situation to one of a simple issue to one of pandemonium.

In the last week we've had a lot of breakthroughs with students. Generally, with a breakthrough a breakdown will occur before hand. Last week one of our students had a breakdown in which he acted inappropriately and threw a chair and knocked over a table. After this situation there were a number of people upset and rightfully so. What wasn't seen was that Christine and I handled this situation with a lot of care and guidance. On Friday, this same student had a huge breakthrough with his teacher about knowing that people truly care about him here. We have seen a complete turn around and could not be happier about it.

One thing I have seen through this situation is a lot of x, y, z talk. There has been chatter about Innovations not having discipline, and that is just not true. Our way of working with students, even through problems, doesn't look the same as other schools, and that's purposeful because we are not just another school. Unfortunately when this talk flies it's very hard to give clarity and peace to a situation. Hopefully we will be able to give this clarity and peace at a meeting that is currently being scheduled for families (stay tuned!).

I would strongly urge that if any members of the IA community have an issue or concern that they come straight to the source so that we can create breakthroughs together. I know that from speaking with families I have gained much insight into what is working for them and what is not. Through that dialog and feedback we can make IA stronger every day.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fundraising Meeting

Greetings Parents and Families!

Innovations has made a new partnership with Mad Science of San Diego to bring fun, exciting, hands-on learning to our students during our Friday enrichment program. So far, the students seem to love it! Feel free to check out more on their programs and curriculum at: http://www.madscience.org

However, Mad Science is not cheap, and we must fundraise to keep them! Various parents came up with good ideas to follow up with at the last parent meeting. In addition to ideas such as eScrip, Powermall, and dinners at local venues, we are also planning a music-&-art fundraiser for the spring here at the Kroc center.

To that end, we will be holding our first fundraising meeting here at the school on Monday, November 17th at 6pm in Bill's room upstairs (219).

Please come! Your energy and support here at Innovations is greatly appreciated!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Updates from Innovations!

Innovations is into its 3rd month of school! It has been quite a ride to go from founding Innovations to becoming an integral part of a living organization.

Some triumphs have been:

Hearing how much the students are enjoying their math and language arts curriculum!
Having students work out their issues using Compassionate Communication.
Seeing how polite our students were during a ballet that we were invited to at the Kroc Center at the last minute (no time to prep about audience etiquette).
Creating the morning quote.

Some items that we're working on:

Obtaining 80 computers for the school! (Being a first year with no credit history makes this a challenge. Anyone have any ideas/leads?)
Giving more choice to students during their Friday partnerships.
Planning our Student Support Program nights (We've had one thus far on Compassionate Communication)

Reminders, and new calendar dates, for the coming month:

November 11th - No School - Veterans Day

November 14th - Picture Day Make-ups.

November 14th - Crazy Hair Day!

November 19th & 20th - Back to School Days - Come and see what your child(ren) is doing in school! Teachers will be sending out separate announcements about how they are running their Back to School Day. Both of these days will be 1/2 days and families can come in during the afternoon.

November 20th - Half Day - Due to scheduling with the Kroc Center, one of our Back to School Days will be on Thursday, November 20th, so we will have a 1/2 day ending at 1pm. Please plan accordingly.

November 24th - 28th - Thanksgiving Holiday - School is off. See you in December!

December 1st - No School - Staff inservicing.

Have a great day!


Friday, August 22, 2008

Social Emotional Learning


Schools are beginning to offer an increasing number of courses in social and emotional intelligence, teaching students how to better understand their own emotions and the emotions of others.

It sounds warm and fuzzy, but it's a trend backed up by hard data. Today, new studies reveal that teaching kids to be emotionally and socially competent boosts their academic achievement. More precisely, when schools offer students programs in social and emotional learning, their achievement scores gain around 11 percentage points.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We've been unanimously approved by the SD school board!

Congrats, IA!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

San Diego Play Therapy Free Presentation

Psychiatric Medications & Children:

What Parents Want To Know

May, 31st, 2008 10am-11am

Psychiatric medications are becoming increasingly common in today’s culture, even among children. As a result, it’s important for parents and anyone who works with children to understand when medications may be helpful- or harmful- to kids.

You are invited to this FREE presentation to hear Dr. Monique Masse, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, discuss:

  • Pros and cons of medicating children
  • The most common conditions for which medication is prescribed to children
  • The most commonly prescribed medications for children
  • How to determine whether or not your child would benefit from medication
  • How to keep children safe from medications in the home
  • How to monitor your child’s medication to ensure it is working the way it should
  • How and when to stop your child’s medication

Presenter: Dr. Monique Masse is a child and adult psychiatrist in private practice since 1998. A graduate of UC Berkeley, she went to medical school at UC Davis, and completed her child and adolescent fellowship at UC San Diego. She also received pediatric training at North Shore University Hospital in Manhassett, as well as psychiatric training at New York Hospital Cornell. Because of her education and experience in both medicine and psychotherapy, she is uniquely qualified to evaluate and treat a wide range of mental health and medical issues.

Where: San Diego Center for Play Therapy in Rancho Bernardo (directions can be found at www.sdplay.org on the contact us page)

When: Saturday, May 31, 10 to 11am

Cost: FREE!

RSVP: To San Diego Center for Play Therapy at (858) 675-9600 ext. 1 or to awickstrom@sdplay.org to reserve your spot. Space is limited.

Friday, April 25, 2008

NVC Training





First Saturday of the Month Introduction

May 3, June 14 9:30 a.m. -12:30

p.m. $35 ind., $50 for 2 persons

First Monday of the Month Introduction

May 5, June 9 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

$35 ind., $50 for 2 persons

To reserve please send $10 d e p o s i t.

***Private Introductions 1.1/2 hrs upon

request $50 for 1 or 2 persons

REPEAT introductory class at no charge

One-time intensive work for couple/partners 1.1/2hrs. for two people $50


TUESDAY EVENING PRACTICE group, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

For individuals and couples

Requested Donation: $160 for 6 sessions, $240 for two persons

THURSDAY MORNING WOMENS group, 10:00 to 12:00 am

Requested Donation: $160 for 6 sessions


INSTRUCTOR: Marcelline Brogli, M.A., MFT.

Marcelline Brogli is a certified trainer in Nonviolent (Compassionate)

Communication (NVC), a process founded by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg over

forty years ago. She has presented NVC in schools, businesses,

families, churches and hospitals in the U.S., Switzerland, Germany,

Mexico, Peru and India. Marcelline is licensed as a marriage and family

therapist in California.

Please e-mail mbrogli@earthlink.net or call 858-755-4053 for

more information, reservations and directions.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 8th, District Hearing (Audio Recording)

Here is the link for the audio of our meeting:


The Innovations Academy presentation is at 6:26-22:07.

At this time, the website has links for live video streaming but they don't offer it archived. It was also broadcast live on cable TV on ITV 16. So for our next Board of Ed appearance, we will record it live from TV or the internet stream.



Wednesday, April 9, 2008

San Diego District Hearing

Thank you all so much for being at the School Board Meeting. It was amazing to see all the faces (I'd estimate about 70 people being there just for us) of our community when everyone was asked to rise, truly a moving moment.

I know that I personally am a very harsh critic of any of my endeavors and I wouldn't have changed a thing about our presentation. Everyone spoke beautifully and there were instances where I could feel the whole room hanging onto our words. Valerie, our parent speaker, was especially captivating as she told about the struggles she has faced over the years in educating her children.

I would love for anyone there to write a comment in the blog so that our community has a voice that others can hear.

So, what's next? We wait. In 30 days we will have official notice from the district. Stay tuned!


p.s. I have heard that there is a way to get a link to the School Board video of the meeting, I'll post it as soon as I have it.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

April 8th Update

Here is all the info you will need for the April 8th meeting!

What? Tuesday, April 8th District Hearing at 3pm. We are asking as many supporters to be there as possible as it strengthens our Petition approval process.

When? This Tuesday, April 8th from 3pm - 6pm at the latest. Because of the nature of the agenda we cannot say for sure exactly what time we will go on. That said, we ask that everyone arrive by 3pm.

Where? The meeting is held at the Ed Center at 4100 Normal Street.

Parking? Parking is available from 2:30pm - 6pm at First Southern Baptist Church at 4353 Park Blvd. The church is located on the east side of Park Blvd., between Meade and El Cajon Blvd. (across from Birney Elementary).

Please Note: The parking lot at St. John's Catholic Church, located at the corner of Normal St. and Polk Ave., is not open to the public.

Bonus! For the kids, there is outside space at the front of the building and there is a waiting area if you'd rather roam around. Before Innovations Academy goes on, someone will come out to the waiting area and outside space to let you know to come in. Please bring a bagged snack if you'd like.

What to wear? Please wear a blue shirt to signify that you are a supporter of Innovations Academy and the charter school movement.

How? Once Christine begins to talk, she will ask all supporters to rise. Your children may also make an 8 1/2 by 11 inch poster to show their support!

Bonus! After the meeting we will take a group photo, so meet on the green area out front.

Thank you very much for supporting Innovations Academy, we'll see you on the 8th!

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Design High

Aaron, our project manager, sent me this video and much of it touches on the principles of Innovations Academy.

It's a High School program, very innovative, and clearly all about the students!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April 4, 7pm: Board and Founders Meeting

Board/Founders Meeting this Friday at 7pm at 2400 6th ave. All are welcome.


I. Sign on new board members.
a. Robert Sperry
II. Facilities
a. Update on facilities
b. Realtor information to date
III. April 8th Hearing
a. Charter Association suggestions
b. Sandra (a local attorney) will be prepping us for our meeting (Do's & Don'ts)
c. Speech previews and suggestions
IV. Agenda items from other Board Members.

Monday, March 31, 2008

You Matter! April 8th District Meeting

Big News!

Our district meeting is on April 8th at 3pm sharp! We will have 15 minutes to make a huge impact on the district and answer any questions that they have. It is held at the Ed Center at 4100 Normal Street.

For our meeting we are looking for one potential parent, one potential student, and a community member to stand and present to the board for 2 minutes each. Who would like to volunteer for this?

Everyone wear the color BLUE so that we stand out as a community at the meeting! The more the better. Numbers count big time here. Parents, children, friends, supporters, all are needed and welcome!

Also, have your children make signs (8 1/2 by 11) supporting the school so that audience members can hold them up during the presentation.

This just in from Lisa at the Charter Association

The meeting begins at 3:00 but the first 30 minutes are for public hearing for items not on the agenda. This is supposed to be limited to 30 minutes but the new Board Pres. has been letting everybody speak. Last board meeting that was 45 minutes or they may have no speakers. Then they do district reports etc. and then action items so even once the agenda is posted you really don't know what time to be there. Basically your item can come up between 3:30-6:00. People need to be aware of this and your speakers need to commit from 3:00 to however late it takes.

Please put this on your calendar today and email back to let me know that you're in!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Support Balboa Park this Wednesday

Since Innovations is looking to locate in this area, we think this would be a great meeting to get involved with. Can you make it?


Dear Neighbors:

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the newly formed Balboa Park West Advisory Group, and to request your participation.

The Balboa Park West Advisory Group has been formed to provide an open and transparent forum to facilitate dialogue between residents and officials regarding neighborhood/park interface issues. The group will advise the Balboa Park Committee on issues that impact the park, west of the SR-163, referred to in park planning documents as the West Mesa.

There is an increased utilization of Balboa Park given the region’s population growth. More events and activities in the park require decisions on the best way to use this finite resource in a manner that benefits all park users. Decisions are made based on the capacity of the park infrastructure, the interests of the public as a whole, and the effect the proposed usage or activity has on the grounds and adjacent community. Our group will serve to advise on these issues and more.

Our group will hold itself to the highest standards of public service. Information will be openly shared and discussed. As advisors to the Balboa Park Committee we are subject to the City of San Diego’s procedures; therefore all meetings will be noticed, topics discussed will be limited to agenda items, minutes will be taken and made available to all. It is expected that a process for electing an Advisory Group Board will be determined in the near future.

We envision discussing issues such as:

Special event permitting
Public safety
Infrastructure needs
Transient assistance
Future planning efforts
Park maintenance and beautification
Park/neighborhood interface

We invite you to become involved in this important community activity. Our first meeting is scheduled for April 2, 2008 at 6:00 pm at the Redwood Bridge Club, 3111 Sixth Avenue in Balboa Park. If you have questions, our phone number is 619 675 1978. Your contact information will only be used by the organizing committee.

Thank you for your time. We look forward to meeting you.

Vicki Granowitz, Chair, Balboa Park Committee
City of San Diego Department of Park and Recreation
2125 Park Boulevard
San Diego CA 92101

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who participated in yesterday's meeting. I'd especially like to thank Lulu for the meeting minutes that she provided (I've emailed them to everyone. If you'd like a copy please email me) and Kosta for the use of his sky loft! Furthermore, everyone should think about going to Einstein's Brothers Bagels next time you buy bagels since they provided us with free eats ;)

At this time, here are the following teams that have started:

Phone Tree






Community Support – PTA







Fund Raising








Political Support











Please let me know if you'd like to join one of these groups or if you have another committee that you'd like to head.

Thank you!


Friday, March 28, 2008

Save the Date: April 8th

It's official, on April 8th, Innovations Academy has a hearing with the school district. More details will follow as we get them, but we expect the hearing to be around 3pm (location to be announced shortly).

Please save the date as Innovations Academy is calling on all its supporters to come to the district hearing to show their support. The more support we can show the district the better.

See you on April 8th!

Saturday Meeting

Hey Innovations Academy supporters,

One of my favorite sayings is, "It takes a village to raise a child." It's an African Proverb that dates back to way before the Clinton's borrowed it ;)

I believe that it is also true that it takes a village to create new and powerful change in society.

For me, Innovations Academy is not just a school. It's a start to a true revolution where children and adults can be together to learn and grow with and from one another. It's a place where children are making an active contribution to society through their projects and knowing that they are truly amazing individuals now.

Christine and I cradle this vision like a young child, caring and nurturing it. Like all beginnings, our vision has grown and we are getting very close to the birth of this creation. At this time, San Diego Unified is looking over our amazing petition and we are preparing to bring Innovations Academy to full life with a school site and the children to fill it.

We know that we have a lot of support on our project. Every person that we have talked to has been touched and inspired by what we are bringing to San Diego.

As "good parents" we know that we can't do this by ourselves. We need you to join us for the road ahead. At this Saturday's meeting we ask you to join us in this revolutionary process by seeing how you can help us with the tasks ahead. We would also love to connect with you in person and find out what it is that you envision the 2008 - 2009 year to be like for your families.

Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed it's all that ever has." We know that you are all very powerful people and each one of you has a contribution to make in this world, this is an invitation to act on that.

Join us this Saturday to be the change that you want to see in this world for you, your children, and our society. Please see below for more information.

Respectfully and joyfully yours,

Danielle & Christine

Breakfast meeting at 2400 6th Avenue, San Diego, CA - Kids are welcome!
9am - noon
Saturday, March 29th

Compassionate Comunication Workshop in April

At Innovations Academy we will be using Compassionate Communication to work with our students. To check it out, you can go to one of Marcelline's workshops.

I went a couple of months ago and really enjoyed it.






First Saturday of the Month Introduction

April 5, May 3, June 7 9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.

$35 ind., $50 for 2 persons

First Monday of the Month Introduction

April 7, May 5, June 9 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

$35 ind., $50 for 2 persons

To reserve please send $10 d e p o s i t.

***Private Introductions 1.1/2 hrs upon request $50 for 1 or 2 persons

REPEAT introductory class at no charge

One-time intensive work for couple/partners 1.1/2hrs. for two people $50


TUESDAY EVENING PRACTICE group, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

For individuals and couples

Requested Donation: $160 for 6 sessions, $240 for two persons

THURSDAY MORNING WOMENS group, 10:00 to 12:00 am

Requested Donation: $160 for 6 sessions


INSTRUCTOR: Marcelline Brogli, M.A., MFT was certified in1989 as a trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, founded by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. Her work history includes teaching Nonviolent (Compassionate) Communication in schools, hospitals, businesses, churches and families in the United States, Germany,Switzerland, Mexico, Peru and India since 1989. Marcelline is licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist since 1983.

Please e-mail mbrogli@earthlink.net or call 858-755-4053 for more information, reservations and directions.


Learn more at www.NonviolentCommunication.com and www.CNVC.org

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Free Presentation at San Diego Center for Play Therapy

Improving Your Child’s Language & Literacy Skills

3 Sensory-Cognitive Functions that Affect the Language Processing Spectrum

Friday, Feb. 22, 7-8pm

For decades educators have argued over how to teach reading. Phonics methods, sight word methods, and whole language methods have all proved insufficient to provide the level of reading ability individuals need to become independent learners.

Kristen Coley will discuss three sensory-cognitive functions—concept imagery, phonemic awareness and symbol imagery—that can improve your child’s language and literacy skills. Whether your child struggles with reading, spelling, or comprehension, or you simply want to learn a few extra ways to support your child in these areas, we hope you join us!

Presenter: Kristen Coley is the Center Director of the Lindamood-Bell® Learning Center in San Diego, CA. Lindamood-Bell’s scientifically-based learning programs develop language and literacy skills for reading, spelling, comprehension, critical thinking, and math. As Center Director, Kristen conducts learning ability evaluations, creates individualized learning plans, and oversees program implementation and instruction.

Cost: Free!

Where: San Diego Center for Play Therapy, 16885 West Bernardo Dr., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92127 (directions can be found at www.sdplay.org)

RSVP: To San Diego Center for Play Therapy at (858) 675-9600 ext. 1 or to awickstrom@sdplay.org to reserve your spot. Space is limited.

School of Their Dreams (originally posted on October 31, 2007)

“Education should not close children's eyes to the wonder of learning as it presently does, but should give children the opportunity to feed their mind and never get tired of life before theirs has even begun."

Christine found this article and I thought to post it here. It’s both inspiring and sad. What would you have wanted (or what do you want) your education to have been like?


Schooled the Film (originally posted on October 23, 2007)

Christine and I are pretty excited for this film! It’s based on a “free school.” At this time, Christine is working to bring a screening here to San Diego. For more details see their website at http://www.schooledthefilm.com

Update (10/24/07): I’ve been emailing with Brooks, the director, and asked how he got inspired to make this film, here’s what he said:

“I read Summerhill, then discovered Sudbury Valley, then joined the fierce ‘Taking Children Seriously’ on-line debates and over the years I kept learning more and more and becoming more and more fascinated with alternative ways to respect the autonomy of children.

The subject ran so primal for me that I HAD to make a film about it, so that I could learn even more and define for myself how much I had already learned, by sharing what I thought I knew.

At the point I first discovered this community, I had left the film business. But my interest in the subject of "Children's Autonomy" was so strong that I was called to return.

It's been a wonderful ride....”

Mind, Brain, and Education (originally posted May 2, 2007)

[B]iology is becoming more important for learning about learning. Along with cognitive science, Fischer says, “It is laying the groundwork that will eventually transform education.”

My hypothesis: Collaboration of academics enriches each field collectively and separately more than treating each as a separate entity.

The American education system faces a tragic paradox: we have the world's most advanced research in psychology, neuroscience, and educational methods, yet we perennially mire among the bottom of developed countries in the quality of our K-12 education. How is it that we know so much about teaching, but are still so poor at it? The problem is one of communication between researchers and educators: it takes decades for advances in the science of learning to be implemented in the classroom. Often, notes disabilities consultant Dorothy van den Honert, the findings are not even passed on at all.

But what if programs implemented change now, instead of 10 years later? That’s exactly what Harvard University’s Mind, Brain & Education field is looking into today, and has been for the last four years. The International Mind, Brain and Education Society (IMBES) also brings together researchers and practitioners to further development in this much needed area.

Specifically, IMBES’s mission is to facilitate cross-cultural collaboration in biology, education and the cognitive and developmental sciences. Science and practice will benefit from rich, bi-directional interaction. As research contributes to usable knowledge for education, practice can help to define promising research directions and contribute to the refinement of testable hypotheses.

Currently, Innovations Academy is looking to partner with IMBES and Harvard’s Mind, Brain and Education department. In collaborating and contributing, we hope to give back by furthering research directions, and then by designing assessment measures and observational methods, which we can then use to offer data on the application of these programs.

Locally, we have been looking to collaborate with the Center for Behavioral Teratology at SDSU (CBT) to look at how we can implement neurological testing which will help us as educators and staff to better facilitate learning for our students. Furthermore, we hope to be able to help research institutes (like CBT) to find participants for their studies.

In my private practice (when I’m not working on this great project!) I use the neurological testing offered by CBT to inform myself about how my students cognitively function. For example, if I notice that they test high on verbal memory but not on visual memory, I’ll try to teach as much to their strength as possible. After students have this testing, as an educator I come in with a more thorough understanding of what strategies I’m going to use with them. It’s more than learning styles, it’s matching their cognitive makeup.

The connection between mind, brain, and education is a very important aspect of Innovations Academy. In the future, we look forward to attending conferences and partnering with research institutes so that the latest publications can be brought into practice in our community. “A better understanding of the role that timing plays in human learning could lead to improved teaching technique and alter the trajectories of countless human lives,” says Dr. Garrison W. Cottrell, a researcher who brings neuroscience and education together. Furthermore, he states in his article, “What brings us all together is a realization of the important role of time in learning. We are studying everything from ‘spike-time dependent plasticity’ - our current best guess at how neurons learn - to the timing of social interactions between teachers and students.”

Why is this collaboration important? Because we are not closed systems, neurology isn’t separate from psychology or education, or vice versa. This partnering of sciences and education is called Translational Research. If we continue to treat fields separately, the education researchers will hopefully come to similar conclusions…but years, is way too late.

If you are a researcher, academic, or community member interested in partnering with our community, please contact us.